Decaffeinated herbal teas are also a great way to hydrate. Eat Mindfully Fresh plum and prune how you eat can be as important as what you eat. Eat slowly, stop eating when you feel full, and avoid eating just before bedtime. Make time for proper nutrition ProNatural Probiotics . Take along good-for-you portable snacks, such as fresh fruit like apples and strawberries or dried fruit like dried plums, granola or almonds. Eat until you are satisfied but not stuffed; there's no need to finish your plate if you aren't hungry anymore. Eating too much can cause digestive symptoms including heartburn and stomach upset. Save the rest of your meal for later or serve smaller portions. Focus on your meal when you eat. Avoid working, walking around or other distractions. Keep healthy snacks in your desk at work, in the car, in your gym bag and at home for when hunger strikes. Keep dried fruit like dried plums in the cupboard so that you always have some fruit on hand. Fresh fruit is a healthy and delicious snack option. Keep frozen fruit in your freezer for when you run out of fresh fruit. Make a smoothie by mixing the fruit and yogurt or ice. Dried fruit is also a healthy way to sweeten a smoothie. Whole-grain, low-fat crackers are a good way to get your whole grains. Try lower-sodium options. Yoga Exercise at least 30 minutes a day, doing activities you like, such as walking, aerobic or strength-building activities. If you can't fit 30 minutes in every day do whatever
